Friday, 9 February 2024

Why did I need the boost - this is why

It only seems fair as I show-off the results of my recent efforts, that I show you why I needed the boost to my morale - this little lot, the last knocking as it were, more original Citadel C series mixed in with a whole lot of other stuff. My rational is that'll be so easy to stop now as there's more than enough done to play any size game I'm likely to be invited to play in the future. So here's my to do list.

My back story for this army is with the fall of the old ones, the Slann were failing to survive in a rapidly changing old world. So have brought into their influence other cold-blooded races which they'd never have accepted prior to the fall. Hence, first up are Snakemen the GW ones and I think Diehard ones to bring up their number. I originally based the GW ones on 25mm bases but didn't think they worked well, much too close in my opinion, so switched to 40mm with works well with the larger Diehard figures and their much more dramatic poses. I've started and stopped with these numerous times, hence their half done state.

The last of the C series Slann, to bring the sprawn bands up to strengh, provide the slave handlers and the last of the mage priest guard.

Following on are a few more C series Lizardmen/Slann coldone riders 

The next batch of Tom Meier lizardmen will provide me with another regiment of forty figures and bring the other regiments up to a similar numbers.

I also have a later edition mage priest carried by slaves, my thinking here is that this is a younger slann, born after the fall that hasn't yet come into its full powers and probably never will, hence the slaves and parlanquin. I've started this model at least twice, but never come close to finishing it.

Now for the newer stuff which I've added to let me have a try of later editions of warhammer fantasy battle and just add a bit of variety to the host. First up the later GW stuff - Terradons and Stegadons

These figures from Diehard are considerable larger than the original C series figures so I'll more than likely end up useing them as some form of elite unit in third edition .

Next up is a unit of intelligent beasts - Coatls, which can be wizards/mages, imaging half a dozen of these flying around your oppenents back line! These are from , picked up from a visit to salute a couple of years ago. Let me asure you even with superglue and pins they're an interesting build!

Lastly, a unit of snakemen from RAFM miniatures, an impulse buy off Ebay.

So, as you can see, still a fair bit to do.

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