Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Morale boost whilst painting a long term army project - How my Slann/Lizardman army has grown

Hi All, long time no post, particularly as far as this project has progressed. My original Slann/lizardman army post was back in June 2019, just before BOYL and whilst it's been slow progress over the intervening period, those of you who are members of the various oldhammer fce book groups will know I've been busy of the last three months spreading a considerable amount of paint over my C series Slann, lizardmen and adding a few newer figures to my collection to bring them to some form of near completion(Who ever finishes an army?). So in an effort to keep up the pace, here's a video and a few pictures of the 'new' stuff mixed in with the old.

 Here's the mage priest surrounded by his guard, matching in the newly painted figures was trick given the original paint work is a few years old.

Next up are the original Palace guard, no new figures here, but the picture shows them off a treat.

Here are the Lizardmen for regiments, lots of new additions to these units.

Now for one of my fravorite units Lizardmen coldone riders, I've learnt with this unit that broken figures are an opportunity to add a little extra to the original mono-pose figures.

Next up are the slaves all I've added here are a couple of Slann officers to lead (I've still to paint the slave handlers).

Here are the specialists - those new  figures I've added to play later editions of Warhammer.

Almost there, heres the Slann coldone riders, no new stuff here, but to complete the post here they are.

Last, but by no means least the Slann skirmishers

Hope you like what you've seen, hopefully, more to follow soon.

1 comment:

  1. Magnificent Paul. I like how you've incorporated new minis too. I've just apinted the same mage priest for my sons 6t ed lizardman army. I'm suprised you don't have a palanequin riding mage priest though.
