Thursday, 14 October 2021

My photos of BOYL 2021

 Apologies for not posting these sooner, these are a trawl of the games on Friday with the majority being of the Get Beale game I played, sorry.

The gatesare open.

The initial set-up, after teas and coffes.

Some folks are just so organised

This is going to hurt, alot!

The Tony's hold court.
A 6th Edition games between Orcs and Goblins and before anybody starts kicking off about not being old hammer just look at the figures being used.

Enough said.

Ah, so somebody did bring terrain.
Players start to deploy.

spectators look on and wonder what's going on.
as do the players!
Well at least one unit of trolls was keen.

A series of pictures of spearmen produced by Oakbound.

Things are getting serious.

Chaos holding their own against the 'good' guys.
More pictures of the inter-orc/goblin bash
Vikings V Orcs

Starting to get serious James has put his coat on!
