Sunday, 24 June 2018

Preparation for BOYL - Amazons

I've not been posting recently as most of my potential free time has been taken up with preparation for Bring Out Your Lead (BOYL) 2018, for which I'm painting the original C30 series Amazons designed by the Perrys back in the days that they worked for Citadel/Games Workshop featured in the Rigg's Shrine Games in the Second Citadel Compendium and examples of them can be found at the Stuff of Legends here  and here showing Tony Ackland's original sketches and some well painted examples of the figures themselves.

Please find below a selection of pictures of my most recent efforts so far mixed in with their former owners original paintwork, towards taking part in an re-enactment of the Rigg's Shrine game at Foundry in August. Hope you enjoy my efforts?

Thanks for looking



  1. I haven't been picking up blog posts for some reason. Quite a colourful bunch well done. Hvae a good time at BOYL.

  2. Thank you sir, will you be joining us?
