Saturday, 2 December 2017

Recent additions to the Chaos Horde!

A couple of weekends ago I attended Warfare 2017 (WAR's annual wargames fair, held at the the Rivermead Centre, Reading), one of the largest such events in the UK, with a high proportion of  competitive wargames playing anything from WRG sixth ed. to 40K and anything in between. I would have like to have been taking part in any one of these, but unfortunately commitments elsewhere meant I could only attend for a few hours, which basically meant shopping for new toys and a swift chat to anybody I might know.

I arrived at the venue t about 10am on Sunday morning to find that all the parking machines weren't working apart from one! After queuing for ten to fifteen minutes I found a helpful young man willing to book my car into the parking area for a small fee! I continued to queue for a few minutes more, having a Scot for a father and born of a Yorkshire lass - I don't part with my money that easily.

Inside, my first port of call was the Bring and buy, there were bargains to be had, but nothing really grab my attention, so I begin my trawl of the main hall - all the favorites were there - The Perrys, Essex etc. etc. One particular manufacturer caught my eye - Aventine Miniatures , after a chat with the stall holder making appreciative noises about their miniature and painting of their display models I received a couple of useful tutorials on they achieve such fine figures and finishes, and with their details firmly locked in my head - I continue my travels around the venue, slowly made my way to the main gaming hall (I only held off making a serious purchase because I'd just ordered a sizeable force from Thunderbolt Miniatures in the States, because their closing their on-line store on the 25th; so be quick, I've been humming and arhing for the last few years about making such a purchase and this news made me make the leap! I say again - I don't part with my pennies easily. But, I've long admired Tom Meiers work - more on this purchase, when they arrive). This is where I spent the best part of the morning and early afternoon catching up with old friends and opponents - discussing life, tactics and figures.

Realising the day was slipping away from me and I'd not brought anything, I made my way back to the B&B and found a couple of small units of Chaos beastmen which I purchased, these will join my growing horde of devotees, and a curiosity - I don't know the miniature, but under close inspection there are a few fine details I can appreciate - the decapitated head, inserted fangs and long legs! It'll more than likely end up taking a bath at some point to then spend a year or two waiting to be painted before it also joins the horde! But for now I can appreciate it for what it is - a whim!


Paul / Golgfag1

Thanks for looking


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