Sunday, 10 December 2017

Can I have too much stuff, I don't need?

Well, today has turned into a day of not doing particularly anything due to snow which fell over night and continues to fall. So, I find myself with time to contemplate - never a good thing in my opinion!
The view from my Dinning room window at about 09:00am.
 So, what do I have to say for myself today and thus, what am I going to write!

I recently read a  post on the Oldhammer Forum  - that one of it's members had collected over a thousand Orc and Goblin miniatures. To which, I responded with a rather half-hearted - well done, for showing such dedication in collecting so many and how the real work now begins in painting them all. I've also read a recent rant on Mark H's Blog about The Fall of the Oldhammer Empire which has set my mind to contemplating my ever increasing collection and why am I doing this!

Thus, I've found myself looking at my own collection of O&Gs and consider my own purpose in having such a large collection of unpainted miniatures (I also, have in the region of a thousand unpainted O&Gs, I'm sorry to say!), made up of various Pre-slotta C' series, Marauder, Citadel and Asgard etc. most are all "classic" miniatures in their own right, collected over the last thirty plus years. But, I balanced this out in my own mind by the painted O&Gs in my collection, for which - I've been described as having 'more Orcs than Sauron', I jest not.
How did I get to this - simple, over the last thirty years or so I've played a game or two and has the rules and my thoughts on how I wanted to play the game have changed I've added units, put others aside, and not developed ideas as far as I originally intended - thus my collection has grown or I simply liked the miniatures - the Asgards O&G's are some of the best miniatures I'm ever likely to have, but, in my opinion - my style of painting does not suit them - they simply look awful and I'd be embarrassed to put them on the table! So, I keep them - just to admire their design and hope that one day, I might consider my meager talents with a paint brush worthy.

(Apologies, I don't have the reference for the picture)

Now, dear reader you're asking yourself - this is all very self adsorbed and I'd like to be in such a position. Well, consider this, I'm also in the position of having in my possession - other miniature armies which I'd like to develop and play a game or two with. But, to be honest - I'm depressed by the thought of the task, as I have this dark cloud on the horizon of the unpainted O&Gs that am ever likely to get on a table large enough apart from the BIG games at BOYL. Hence, I'm doing nothing with any of it - but moving figures from one box to another as I break the whole into what I think are manageable chunks. So, what I'm say is - Is having too much stuff a good thing?

Paul / Golgfag1


  1. I think the thing is to not think about it too much...!

    I'm trying really hard to only aquire stuff for current projects (or the occasional impossible to resist Kickstarter). The plan was to paint more than I collect, but I'm painting so slowly that's not happening either...

    Some of the stuff in that leadpile you're bound to need one day, the thing is to not let the rest oppress you!

  2. I'll be honest Paul, I'm seriously considering putting the lid back on the Oldhammer box for a while, so that "I don't think about it too much" and change the direction of my current wargaming habits - I've done it before and seriously consider a change might be as good as a rest. Send me your new address? and I'll send you something for Christmas!

    Paul / Golgfag1

  3. Hi Paul. As a long suffering orc warlord myself, I have often pondered this very question. I have purged assorted periods and armies only to find myself rebuilding them eventually. I vote that you continue building your horde and painting as many as you can. Your painting is perfectly acceptable! I would happily square off against your stuff any day. I have seen far too much bare plastic and raw lead on the local gaming tables...

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Randy, There are many who have the numbers but far too few of us who can say we lead a horde, their back in the box for now, no doubt in time they'll come out. But, for now I have new toys, which with a bit of luck will be painted by the end of January.

      Paul / Golgfag1

  4. That 30+ years of playing, really helps with the Horde! I cycle through interests, but my real passion is with this old lead - especially the orcs & goblins. I always go back to it. Enjoy the diversion!


  5. The O&G's are always the proverbial bad guys in heroic fantasy, so are never going to out of the fight, thus never dropped from the game. Hence my collection. though I often think their much too simply portrayed.

  6. Following on from Oldhammer, would you be interested in releasing some early/mid 80's Hobgobs, gobs and lesser gobs from your camp?

  7. Unfortunately for you I released what Hob-goblins I did have about twelve years ago to a chap based in Russia! but I might be able to help with the rest, anything particular your after?

    Would suggest you PM me via the forum.

    Paul/ Golgfag1
