Sunday, 18 April 2021

Golgfag1's April's contingent for OWAC - Heroes and Wizards


March found me with plenty of time on my hands to plough on with my efforts to give Mr Beales a run for his money, all due to Covid19, inclement weather and having to take holiday entitlement - found me completing my initial intentions, thus I posted a good week in advance of the end of the month.  Following the March post and a little light hearted banter between myself and Mr Beale, I decided rather than take a break over April, I'd push on with the next contingent of wizards and Heroes and then go off and do something else. 

 First up, a Colossal Lord lord from Grenadier  Miniatures  - Cassandra 

 I wasn't sure on the colour schemce so plumbed for classic Wonder woman, be it Linda Carter or Gal Gadot - red, white and blue, where I could, with bronze armour (vambrace and pauldrons) and a chainlink hauberk. I apologies now - the miniature is from a time when attitudes were different, but I'm not a revisionist and accept it for what it is.

Quite happy with the way she turned out, will be using her as a giantess .

Next up a few low level wizards, Original Citadel C series Sisterhood novices/Initates, classing these as Warhammer third edition, level fives' .

Next up a Sisterhood Mage, I'll class her as a level fifteen wizard .

The mother Samatha figure's rather nice, so I'll run for another level fifteen wizard .

 I've also dabbed a little paint over four nobles, I don't have enough of these to form a regiment so will be using them as champions for my other units .

Last, but by no means least, the Goddess Rigg, now I'll be honest I consider this figure the worst of the C series Amazonian figures and thus I'm not inclined to use it as such, so am simply going to class it as a female ogre champion (I intend to expand this idea latter in the challenge, with a contingent of female ogres!).

Finally a group shot all varnished and based to match the previous months contingents.

 Next month - cavalry and beasties!

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Third month of the Old World Army Challenge - Actual Citadel C series Amazons and a few extras


Rank & File month #3 

The idea of the challenge is to paint at least ten figures over the course of a month for six months this month I did a few more than ten due to - Annual leave, inclement weather and shear bloody minded-ness to give Mr Beale a run for his money! In fact I actually painted next months entry as well, but I can't show you those until they're shown on the OWAC blog page, sorry.

This month, I'm painting 'C30' series Amazonians from back in the day, originally designed by the Perry twins, produced as a foil to the Slann of Lustria. The first time they were promoted by Citdel/ Games Workshop was in the scenario Rigg's Shrine in the second Citadel Compendium, written by Richard Helliwell.


So, let's show you what I've been dabbing paint over.

I'm also going to add a few specialists from other manutacturers as I don't really have that many C series figures and my force needs a little something to provide a little bit of punch - Chariots, via Ral partha, the originals are pulled by human slaves, great for the story, but not much good on the tabletop.  So, I switched them for sabre-toothed tigers from Grenadier, which means they move slightly quicker and have a lot more bite when entering into combat.

The second batch of infantry, a mixed bag of C series tribes women, berserkers and Koka-kalim weilding bows, daggers, swords, bolts-pistols and power swords.

Pygmie skimishers, weilding either bows or short spears/javelins.

Whilst trawling E-bay, I dropped upon this dragon, which I thought would add a little something to this months mix, I'll be honest attaching the wings was a complete pain, but the simply paint job was done in an evening.

Another find on E-bay, advertised as a living statue, thought it'd would make a nice addition to my growing collection, following on with the Rigg's Shrine - I'm of the opinion that this would make a better avatar for the scenario, than the original model. I've used magnets to make the parts inter-changable from a statue on the plinth to avatar.

 As the end of the month draws ever closer, dabed a bit more paint behind the ears of a few more Pilgrims of various manufacture and ages which shows how attitudes to figure design and nakedness as changed!

This months all based, varnished and ready to join their sisters!

My original intention was to take next month off, not because I want a break from painting, but I want to paint and post something else, but following a little banter with Mr Beale I've already painted Apirl's contingent, but you're going to have to wait to see the heroes and wizards.