Thursday, 25 February 2021

Second month of my Old World Army Challenge - Greek/Hellenistic types

A good month - sixty figures for four hundred and seventy points of third edition Amazonian pilgrims. These turned out reasonable well given my duabing of paint and usual standard of pictures! Check out the Challenges main page to see how I got here.

Hope you enjoy

Paul / Golgfag1

Adding to my Amazonian Army, via Old World Army Challenge - first months efforts

 To encourage me to stick with one thing, rather than flirt between various projects, I signed myself up for the Old World Army Challenge, for those of you that know nothing about this annual event in brief you agree the paint at least 10 infantry or five caverly figures or equivilents each month for six months, which hopefully leaves you with at least a thousand points at the end. For those of you who really what see my progress here's the link -

My intentions are the expand my existing army, by adding to units, here's a few shots of my most recent efforts mixed in with the originals - what do you think, good match?