Sunday, 25 February 2018

A regiment of Lesser Night Goblins! (Snotlings)

Well, I've final kicked my painting mojo back into gear this year, and to achieve a quick result I went for something small and insignificant but has needed to be done for a long time - Citadel,  first edition C14 Lesser Night Goblins to be precise. I thought I had a more varied collection, but having gone though the unpainted stuff, found that I've only two poses to join my growing horde (no doubt the rest are in a box somewhere in the attic but if I'd started to look - I'd have become distracted) so, settled down to make the best of what I have. Hope you like what I've done with the little fellas.

Now, I know what your asking yourself dear reader - why is Golgfag1 (he with more Orcs than Sauron) wasting his time with lesser goblins - their nothing but a foot note in the army lists with only the merest hint of their talents and abilities, to be used as door stops whilst the big boy'z are giving the opposition a good kick-in. Well dear reader, take a look at BOB (Big Orange Book, Warhammer third Ed.) and there you get an insight into their true potential - they can have poisoned weapons for an extra 5 points,  have 3x Short-bow missile attacks per base at no extra cost, are immune to poison, can also skirmish  and everybody else ignores them, if, they run away - what's not to like?

It's, also the case - that I hold with the idea, that if, you get the good stuff - you should by rights should carry a little bit of dross to balance it out - just as Fredrick the Great did with his Frei-corps (A  hint of one of my other wargaming passions, for those of your that think I only do Oldhammer) - look at most rule sets covering the Lace Wars, and you'll find that most Prussian infantry contingents are made up of Grenadier, Musketeers & Fusiliers with only a briefest of nods given to what was a fascinating part of the forces at Fredrick's disposal, but I digress.

I now have close to the maximum of forty bases of these insignificant trip hazards and with the Pump wagons I consider they'd be pretty good entertainment for a thousand point game - think about it?

All the best

Paul/ Golgfag1

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Just mucking about and showing off my Goblins!

To be honest I've been too busy with other  stuff to be painting the Thunderbolt Mountain Elves, as I  really think they need to be painted with more care than my usual daubing of paint. So, I'm going to continue to play with the video software on my laptop to show a montage of  my goblins - first up are the Wolf riders & chariots - a selection of classic G.W. & Chronicle stuff with a couple of self-builds thrown in.

First thirty second or so show them on the march, in a very loose formation of light cavalry leading armed with bows & hand weapons, followed by more light stuff carrying spears, then heavier types with armour, hand weapons, bows and spears and last but not least - the leaders unit armed and armoured with as much kit as possible to carry intermingled with various types of chariots to add a bit of punch! The rest of the video show them drawn up in battle line!

I tend to use the light stuff to harass and sting the opposition into a rash charge, or getting round flanks etc. and the heavier stuff to charge a disordered unit or flank or just simply hit one or two opposition units with the chariots and try to exploit the inevitable break from being hit by all those scythed chariots in turn one!

May well edit this post as the day goes on, so watch this space!


Paul / Golgfag1